Carolina Practical Shooting League began in 1976 as part of the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC). In the first few years, several CPSL shooters competed in regional and national matches. A time came when the affiliation was no longer beneficial and the relationship ended.
CPSL continued on, now free to add rifles and shotguns to the matches and make other changes for the enjoyment of the shooters. It is believed that CPSL is the oldest continually operating action shooting group in the eastern USA.
There are typically 5 handgun stages, although we do occasionally use rifles or shotguns in some matches. Information about each match is sent in an email the week before the match. You can add your name to our email list by contacting the match director via the email address below.
We have shooters of all levels participate in our matches. Some are there for the competition, while others simply want to improve their abilities in a practical way. Our matches will allow you to practice practical shooting by drawing from a holster, engaging a variety of targets, and shooting in ways not normally possible on a typical range. We can almost guarantee that your shooting skills will improve by regularly participating in our matches.
We welcome shooters of all experience levels.
Please click here to download the rules and regulations for CPSL matches at GGC.
No pre registration is required.
Upon arrival, sign in and pay the registration fee (in cash) - $20 for GGC members and $25 for non-members.
Matches are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Sign in starts at 0845, match briefing and walk through at 0930, match starts immediately after walk through.
Tim B.
Match Director
Email: pistol2@gvlgunclub.com