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"Special Sale" til 3/16! Details on Main Menu! Applications Open! Rifle Range Open!



Come shoot a round for the same price as Trap or Skeet. In the clubhouse, purchase a usage card from the kiosk and then use the self-serve device at the range. Directions are posted.


Ear and eye protection on field are required. Range Safety Officers may stop any shooting activities and request each shooter to wear this protection. If you don’t have it, you may purchase ear plugs in the clubhouse. Refusal to wear this protection violates the Rules and Regulations of the Club and the shooter will be asked to leave the GGC.

Only shells with shot size 7 ½, 8 or 9’s can be used on the field and on the patterning board.  Please, no hunting loads with shot size 6, 4, 2, BB or buckshot.

Do not load more than one shell for single targets; two for doubles.

5-Stand rules are posted on field.


Greenville Gun Club uses the Promatic card system. Cards can be purchased from the Vending machine at the main club house. Current cost is $20.00 for 125 targets which will equal 5 rounds of Trap/Skeet and 5-Stand.


5-Stand is open 7 days a week. It is open from 9:00 AM to legal sunset.

5-Stand is closed during skeet & trap tournaments.


Mike Williams
5-Stand Director & Match Director